Spring Has Sprung The Cleaning Bug

The calendar says that it is spring. This means, that it is time once again for spring cleaning. For the last three years Jackie and I have said that we are going to get rid of a lot of our “stuff”. We have way too much “stuff”. We have considered having a garage sale, but I am opposed to that. The amount of money that you get from a garage sale isn’t really worth it when you consider all the work that you have to put into getting ready for it. Good will here we come.

I wish that I could say that it was the goodness in my heart that we are donating everything to Goodwill. If it were really a charitable and from the heart kind of thing, then I would be donating things that might actually be worth something. Then again, if I thought the things were actually worth anything, I would be sucking it up and having the garage sale to begin with. I don’t know if I feel bad donating what I obviously consider to be worthless crap for someone else to buy. I know that good will gets money from what they sell, so I guess if someone buys it then it is better than throwing it out. And I have to admit that I have bought a few things from Goodwill myself. They say that one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure so I guess it all balances out.

The main thing is that we get rid of the things that we don’t need. I figure, if I haven’t touched, used or thought about something since we moved into the house, then it can go. Hopefully, we can empty out the one spare bedroom AND the basement enough that we can make usable spaces out of them. When we say spring cleaning this year, we mean that we are not just cleaning because it is spring, but we are going to be cleaning ALL spring. If anyone wants everything, feel free to stop by or go the the Goodwill in Carpentersville in about a month.

Don’t forget to vote in the worst song brackets. Hopefully I will be able to tally the votes tomorrow and post the final 4.


One Response to “Spring Has Sprung The Cleaning Bug”

  1. Sybil Law Says:

    I’ve been slowly spring cleaning all year, so far. It’s a slow process, but it feels awesome!
    Also, I’m with you -Goodwill all the way – I have no desire to even try a garage sale.

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